
Meet Your Coach...

Hello, I'm Robin and I'm passionate about helping people to speak up and speak out so that they can get their message across clearly and speak what's on their mind and in their heart. Everyone has a voice that’s waiting to be discovered.

There are so many situations where we need to speak up, in both our professional and personals lives. However, the fear of speaking publicly so often stops us from being able to put ourselves forward with confidence. My mission is to work with people so they can feel confident speaking up, no matter the situation.

I know first-hand what it feels like to feel fear and under-confidence when speaking in public. For many years I avoided situations where I could be asked to speak up. This worked well until I realised that I was missing out on all sorts of opportunities in both my professional and personal life. So, finally I decided to seek help, and I haven't looked back.

I have supported clients to identify their target audience, get clear on their messaging, and develop confidence to say what they want to say. And I love seeing the transformation that occurs when someone discovers their authentic voice.

I am a certified Public Speaking Coach through WomanSpeak and a member of ANZCAL.

Outside of my passion for coaching, I love travel, long distance walking, exploring historic buildings, wine and movies.

I look forward to helping you to discover your voice.